Da stöbert man durch die aktuellen Artikel auf Nachrichten-Seiten und schwupps wundert man sich über die Fehler in der Fehlerbehandlung die viele Programmierer gerne machen. Auch wenn ich grundsätzlich natürlich verstehen kann warum man die Fehlerausgabe, in diesem Beispiel in PHP, aktiviert so ist doch immer die Frage warum auf dem Produktivsystem und nicht in […]
Working for education… this is a joke a lot of countries actually practice. But it is not the governments fault entirely. Of course the government could say they would take more taxes and you would not have to pay for education individually but that is not the right way. The right way is to get […]
To put it simple: The german educational system is a mess! I am not just talking about the change from 13 years of school to 12, but I am also talking about the further education including university. Right now I am in my second semester of business information systems(bis) and it seems like there might […]
Since I just recently bought the book OnIntelligence by Jeff Hawkins and have not really started reading, it seems to be about time to share some of my understanding of the learning patterns of the brain. So far I have spent some thoughts on how a computer could learn, by learning I am also talking […]